
Sunday, March 25, 2012

Foodbuzz 24x24: A Food Lover's Guide to Brazilian Beaches

Oi Amigos!

I am sitting here in an internet cafe' in Rio de Janeiro, writing to you on a keyboard with funny letters.  It is taking me quite some time to get this typed out, but the food I have to share with you is too good to be missed.  I am so happy Foodbuzz liked my idea of doing a progressive food party on the beach here in Brazil!

See that handsome man?  The sad news for you is that he is taken.  But the good news is that he is going to take us on a tour of his favorite foods to eat on the beach!  One of the many advantages of being married to a Brazilian man (and a hot one, I think)...

First stop:  Quejinho

This salty grilled cheese stick is my favorite.  Brazilians have a different kind of cheese they often use... one that doesn't melt easily, almost like a hunk of feta or something.  Put a stick through it, grill it, and enjoy.

Second stop: Agua de Coco

Close your eyes and imagine you are sitting on the beach in Copacabana.  You get thirsty so you reach out to get something refreshing to drink.  What is in your hand?  If you said a fresh coconut, you are right!

You have probably already read all about my love of coconut water and its many health attributes, but let me say it again: this stuff is wonderful.  The taste may take a little getting used to, but once you do, well... you will be hooked.  And nature can't be wrong, right?

Third stop: Churros (pronounced like shoe-hose)

I know that you know churros.  But do you know Brazilian Churros?

This nice man was not only kind enough to pose for me, but he gave us a discount.  I guess he knew we love his product.

Here is the thing that makes these churros so darn good: they are prepared right then, batter -- deep-fry -- roll in cinnamon, and then they are filled with yumminess.  In my case that yumminess is chocolate.  But you can get doce de leite or coconut, too.  All three are great.  Which would be why we had to go back for more...

Fourth Stop: Açai na Tigela

You saw this one earlier this week.  No wait, you saw the healthy version of this earlier this week.  But I found something slightly different on the beach... açai with something akin to cocoa pebbles and with sugar and powdered milk and all kinds of sweet stuff.

I am not going to lie.  It was pretty amazing.  Clearly my husband thought so, too :)

Fifth and Final Stop: Peixe Frita com Suco de Abacaxi

Doesn't that look good?!  It is, trust me.  Fresh from the ocean (as our table was right there in the sand, the waves crashing at our feet), battered and fried.  Squeeze some lime on top and you are in fish heaven.  The only thing that could make it better is a nice cold glass of pineapple juice...

Put them together, add the soundtrack that comes along with beach life, and you have the perfect meal.

And that, my friends, is what Brazilian beaches are really all about.  Some may say it is a place to see beautiful women or hunk-a-hunky men (which can be true, but not always); others might think it is about the sand and the surf.  But I am here to tell you that the food is where it is at.  Don't believe?  Go try it yourself.  Brazil is waiting for you!


  1. awesome! everything looks so yummy

  2. oh YUM! You have made me fall in love with Brazil with everything you've posted. I have to go there one day and experience all of this amazing food (and the beaches!). Stow me away with your luggage next time? ;)

  3. Reading your post made me miss the beach so much! Queijo de qualho is my favorite beach snack for sure, but I have to say the Acai in the cup looked absolutely delicious!!! Thanks for sharing it.

  4. That fried cheese stick couldn't look any better! All that makes me hungry!

  5. Hi There, Congratulations for 24x24 !!!!!!
    The menu is looking so delightful and appetizing. A very well made post with beautiful pictures. Loved all the dishes. I've bookmarked this special recipe of urs and wud love to give it a shot asap. Have a wonderful week ahead. Thanks & Regards, Sonia !!!

  6. The beaches in Santos sell Pasteis by the truckload, and I'm probably responsible for half of all sales, lol. LOVE eating a pastel on the beach. My in-laws walk down to the beach for some agua de coco almost every single night. I also love to drink watermelon juice and sugar cane juice with lime. Your pictures are making my mouth water!!

  7. I'm SO jealous! All that yummy food and the beach... I want to go back to Brazil!

  8. Oh my heck! All of that food looks to die for! Those pictures are gorgeous! Since I didn't win the lottery last week I guess I wont be going to Brazil any time soon...but at least I can dream thru your pics! Thanks! ;)

  9. try "suco de abacaxi com hortela"! It is amazing!!!

  10. I adored this post! It took me back to visiting my family in Brazil and enjoying all of the culinary treats delivered right to your umbrella if you wanted - you had my heart at the shot of the agua de coco! Thanks for the trip down memory lane ;)


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